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Divine Power Leaked


Some information may have been leaked from the upcoming divine power book coming out July 21st.



Censure of Unity: You gain a +1 bonus to damage rolls against your oath of enmity target for each ally adjacent to that target. The bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level.

Bond of Censure
[At Will] Charm, Divine, Implement, Radiant
Standard Action | Ranged 5
Target: One creature
Attack: Wisdom vs. Will. If the target is your oath of enmity target and no enemies are adjacent to you, you can make two attack rolls and use either result.
Hit: You pull the target a number of squares equal to your Intelligence modifier. If the target ends this movement adjacent to you, it takes 1d10 radiant damage.

Leading Strike
[At Will] Divine, Weapon
Standard Action | Melee weapon
Target: one creature
Attack: Wisdom vs. AC
Hit: 1[W]+Wisdom modifier damage. One ally adjacent to you or the target gains a bonus to his or her next damage roll against the target equal to your Intelligence modifier.

Paragon Path: Ardent Champion
Preq: Avenger, Censure of Pursuit class feature, oath of enmity power.

Holy Ardor(11): Whenever you make two attack rolls because of your oath of enmity, you score a critical hit if both dice have the same roll, except if both rolls are 1.

Ardent Action(11): When you spend an action point to take an extra action, you can also make a saving throw or shift a number of squares equal to your Dexterity modifier.

Ardent fury(16): Once per round when you score a critical hit against your oath of enmity target, you can shift 1 square and make a basic attack against that target as a free action.

Fanatical Flurry
[Encounter] Divine, Weapon
Standard Action | Close Burst 2
Target: Your oath of enmity target and each enemy in burst.
Attack: Wisdom vs. AC
Hit: 2[W]+Wisdom modifier damage
Effect: You take a -2 penalty to all defenses until the end of your next turn.

Battle Rapture
Divine, Stance
Minor action, Personal
until the stance ends, your attacks deal extra damage against your oath of enmity target equal to 1d10+one-half your level. In addition, when any ally deals damage (not ongoing damage) to your oath of enmity target, you take 3d6 damage.

Irresistible Ardor
[Daily] Divine, Weapon
Standard Action | Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Wisdom vs AC
Hit: 4[W] + Wisdom modifier damage. You regain the use of an encounter power that you have already used during this encounter.
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: Until you attack a creature other than your oath of enmity target or until the end of the encounter, you gain a +2 power bonus to all defenses against the attacks of your oath of enmity target.

Divine Distraction [Heroic]
Prerequisites: Avenger, Censure of Unity class feature, oath of enmity power
Benefit: When you are adjacent to your oath of enmity target, your allies gain a +1 bonus to damage rolls against that target.

Fist of Heaven [Epic]
Prerequisite: 21st level, avenger, oath of enmity power.
Benefit: Your oath of enmity target takes a -2 penalty to saving throws.


Virtuous Strike: Radiant melee Cha vs AC – 1[W]+Cha radiant, works as a melee basic attack and grants you +2 to saving throws

Ardent Strike: Str/Cha vs AC, melee – 1[W]+Str/Cha damage and imposes divine sanction. Can be used on charges.

Divine Sanction: Being subject to divine sanction means the target is marked by you. Until the mark ends, the target takes radiant damage equal to 3 + Charisma modifier the first time each round it makes an attack that doesn’t include you as a target. +3 damage at 11th, +6 at 21st.

Ardent Vow: Replaces lay on hands and gives Wis uses of a minor action that gives you 5+Wis extra damage against the target and each hit until end of encounter. Puts divine sanction on the target.

Mighty Challenge (Heroic)
Prerequisite: Paladin, divine challenge power
Benefit: Whenever a target of your divine challenge takes damage from that power, it takes extra radiant damage equal to your Strength modifier.

Honored Foe (Paragon)
Prerequisite: 11th level, paladin
Benefit: When a creature marked by you damages you, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier.

Draconic Challenge
Prerequisite: Paladin – Dragonborn
Benefit: Your dragon breath places your divine sanction on enemies


Recovery Strike
[Encounter?] Melee
Standard Action
one creature
Attack: Str vs AC
Hit: 1[W]+Str and the next ally to hit the target gains Cha mod hp.

Astral Seal
[Encounter?] Ranged 5
Standard Action
one creature
Attack: Wisdom +2 vs Ref
Hit:Target takes -2 to defs and next ally to hit target heals Cha+2.

Pacifist Healer: When you use a divine power that allows a target to spend a surge, you add your charisma modifier and +1d6 per tier to the healing, but – when you deal damage to a bloodied enemy, you are stunned until the end of your next turn.


Silent Malediction, Invoker Attack 1
[Daily] * Divine, Implement, Thunder
Standard Action – Close Blast 3
Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d6+Wisdom modifier thunder damage, and the target is stunned (save ends).
Miss: Half damage, and the target is dazed until the end of your next turn.
Effect: You are dazed until the end of your next turn.

Hand of Radiance
[Encounter?] Ranged 10
Standard Action
Target: 1-3 targets (4 at epic)
Attack: Wisdom vs Ref
Hit: 1d4 + Wisdom modifier damage.

Mantle of the Infidel
[Encounter?] Ranged 20
Standard Action
1-3 Creatures (4 at epic)
Attack: Wisdom vs Will
Hit: 1d6 (2d6 at epic) + Wisdom radiant damage. If the target is marked the penalty to attack rolls it takes from the marked condition is -4 instead of -2.

Visions of Blood
[Encounter?] Close blast 3
Standard Action, fear, psychic
Attack: Wisdom vs Will
Hit: 1d6 + Wisdom psychic damage and the target takes a -1 penalty to all defenses until the start of your next turn.

Word of Ruin – Invoker attack 3
[Encounter] * Divine, Implement, Psychic
Standard Action, Close burst 2
Target: Each creature in burst
Attack: Wisdom vs. Will
Hit: 1d8 + Wisdom modifier psychic damage, and the target is dazed and slowed until the end of your next turn.
Effect: You are dazed until the end of your next turn.

Baleful Malediction (feat): imposes a -2 penalty to attack rolls to all targets hit with divine encounter and daily attack powers.


Power of Skill [Domain]
Prerequisite: Any divine class, must worship a deity of the skill domain.
Benefit: You gain a +1 feat bonus to trained skill checks.
You can use any power you have that is associated with this feat as a basic attack.
Powers: Divine bolts, overwhelming strike, righteous brand, valiant strike.

Power of Arcana [Domain]
Prerequisite: Any divine class, must worship a deity of the arcana domain.
Benefit: You gain a +2 feat bonus to Arcana checks.
When you use a power associated with this feat, that power is arcane as well as divine. After using the power, you gain +1 bonus to attack rolls with arcane powers until the end of your next turn.
Powers: Divine bolts, lance of faith, radiant vengeance, virtuous strike.

Power of Tyranny [Domain]
Prerequisite: Any divine class, must worship a deity of the tyranny domain.
Benefit: You gain a +2 feat bonus to intimidate checks.
When you use a power associated with this feat, the power’s target each take a -2 penalty to saving throws until the start of your next turn, whether you hit or not.
Powers: Astral seal, bond of censure, divine bolts, enfeebling strike

Power of Trickery
Prerequisites: Any divine class, must worship a deity of the trickery domain
Benefit: You gain a +2 feat bonus to thievery checks.
When you use a power associated with this feat and hit one or more enemies with it, you or an ally adjacent to that enemy can shift 1 square as a free action.
Powers: Avenging light, overwhelming strike, enfeebling strike, recovery strike.

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